Monday, September 14, 2009

The Meditation Hour - Starting the Day Well

Arising early in the morning has never been one of my favorite things to do. But there’s something about the stillness of the early hours that actually helps me through the rest of the day.
I have been meditating for a little over a year now using Bill Harris’ Holosync & Centerpointe Institute. Before using Holosynch I had a hard time allowing myself to fully relax for my meditation period. Using Holosync I can much more quickly and easily move down into a quiet and productive meditative state.
Holosync is based on Dr. Gerald Oster's original research and Centerpointe’s own research and experimentation. They’ve created a very powerful audio technology which is placed inaudibly beneath peaceful music and environmental sounds. Many people call it "instant meditation"—but it's much more than that.
There is extensive research available both on Centerpointe’s website and other unassociated support websites which explains the binaural technology used in the Holosynch program. Harris’ Holosync site also provides a Holosync blog as well as an archived library of research articles, and pod casts you can retrieve from iTunes. It’s all really good stuff, if sometimes a bit overwhelming.
Still, Holosync has helped me think more clearly and navigate further over the bridge in the understanding what this existence is really all about.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Expanding Social Media Universe

Just a few short months ago Twitter was confounding to me. I had no idea why ANYONE would even care about it. Now? I’m engaged in a several week long online social media class learning not only about Twitter, but about Facebook, LinkedIn, social media triangulation, strategy and planning.

The first question most of us seem to be asking is: Why should I even CARE about social media as a serious business marketing strategy?

Why? Because networking and interconnectivity provides an opportunity for me to reach out as far as I possibly can into my world. It expands my physical universe beyond almost any borders I can think of. It blows the doors off of what before I considered formidable entrepreneurial hurdles.

While it’s still admittedly easy to get lost in the seemingly endless social media rabbit holes - alluring websites, industry forums, updates, downloads, & all things new and flashy in the IT world, I’ve found specialists in the area of self pacing and self control who’ve coached me through the thick of it. I no longer feel like I’m teetering on the edge of the information abyss. Now, I watch and listen before I plunge. And when I jump…I’m thoroughly loving the experience.

John Souza and his crew at Social Media Magic University offers a great series of classes on fully utilizing social media/networking for business development. I just finished the second of 11 sessions and believe I've already achieved 100% ROI for what I initially spent on registration.

The first thing I would recommend you do (this is going to blow you away...) Do what’s called a “Vanity Search” on yourself or your company. Go ahead. Google yourself.

I was FLOORED to see over 300,000 Google hits on my name alone. As I started making my way through them, I was amazed at what was floating around out there on the web about me. Fortunately, the vast majority of it related to my writing and business life. But, wouldn’t it be good to know if something was out there that could potentially affect your business or consultancy in a negative way? In my next blog post I’ll introduce a subject matter expert who has made a successful business out of helping you protect your image on the internet.

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I'm with Fred...

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Esalen ~ Dedicated to manifesting a more humane World