Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I am a scribe.

Scribe: (or Scrivener) is an ancient profession, a person who could read and write. This usually indicated secretarial and administrative duties such as dictation and keeping business, judicial, and history records for rulers such as kings, nobility, temples, and cities.

I don’t write fiction, though I’ve tried. I see what is out in the world…or inside myself…and I write about it. I’ve always seen my role as a scribe and journalist as creating a bridge from one place of understanding to another. And it has never failed that, in the process of writing, I emerge on the other side with a new understanding of my world and my relationship to it.
Writing has taken me to some phenomenal places geographically and definitely some disconcerting places socially, psychologically and emotionally. Human Interest stories are my particular area of interest, though I’ve spent most of more than two decades of a journalistic career covering what my industry calls “General Assignment Reporting.”

The stories that get me riled (and so…get me engaged) have tended to be those involving abuse of government power, invasion of personal and property rights, environmental abuses, human and animal abuses and financial ignorance and stupidity. Well, stupidity has always interested me, since it seems to be a source of great suffering for many, especially when it’s combined with greed. However, the stories that have touched my heart the deepest and in the most lasting way have been the Human Interest stories.

I’ll be sharing some of those stories with you here. Because they’re good. And because a good story deserves to be retold. And last…because I’m a scribe and the best history needs to be kept alive. And that’s my job…

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