Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Edge of the Envelope...
Where do you go for exposure to cutting edge thought?
When you think that your world has been hopelessly and completely overrun with the Walking Dead, is here to show us that we still have Quasars among us.
The best has offered up over the past two years can be found here ~ The Top Ten most popular presentations. Go get 'em buckaroos...
I suggest you start with "Jill Bolte Taylor's Powerful Stroke of Insight."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oh, yea...I'm here!
Winter is setting in. It's time to get kindling for the fire split and stock piled so I don't have to go hunting for it at dusk in my slippers. And it's definitely time to pour meaningful thought into my blogs. I've been negligent not because of a lack of potential content, but because I needed to implement some efficiency maneuvers and strategies in my life. Fact is, I've been getting TOO MUCH DONE.
I'm not just making this up. I've been pretty good over the past few years at gathering up tools, ideas, strategies, excellent little gems of advice from mentors, etc. to enable me to GET MORE DONE! Unfortunately, in my naivete - though I was getting SO MUCH MORE DONE - I filled up those glorious new time slots by frenetically committing myself to do even more things. And explanation for my absence here. Also an explanation for my dismal (and needless) exhaustion. Damn efficiency! (Right?) No. Damn hyper, obsessive productivity. My bad.
If you drape thirty-nine iron chains around your arms and shoulders and then do a dance, the whole point of the dance will be to seem light and effortless. (Robert Francis)
I'm coming back at this efficiency and productivity issue from an entirely different perspective...working smarter, not harder, while keeping an emphasis on balance. Or, to put it in designer terms (as in "Life Designer")...I've committed myself to protecting my personal White Space.
I just returned from visiting with my daughters and while resting on a bench in the womb of a steamy Japanese Communal Women's bath it occurred to me how whole I felt when I nurtured my body. At that moment, with my thighs becoming one with the slats of the bench, epiphanies erupted like blue fireworks. Not about nurturing my body, but bringing effortless answers to some of the heaviest burdens I'd been carrying around on my shoulders.
There, dripping wet, no capture tools, just me dripping wet on a wooden bench...and epiphanies were illuminating the way forward. Finally, what I consider the most profound epiphany emerged ~ When I take time to physically take care of my body, my mind has the freedom to soar. Simple.
And I realized a simple response was called for...
"Thank you"...
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